Аватар Светлана Сергеевна
Grow up in a little bitty town, big yellow bus, little bitty books, it all started with a little bitty look, well it's alright to be a little bitty, a little hometown or a big old city, might as well share, might as well smile, life goes on for a little bitty while. You know you got a job and a little bitty check, a six pack of beer and a television set, a little bitty world goes around and around, a little bit of silence and a little bit of sound. A good old boy and a pretty little girl, start all over in the little bitty world, little bitty plan and a little.
Аватар ✨Irusha✨
Grow up in a little bitty town, big yellow bus and little bitty books, it all started with a little bitty look, but it's alright to be a little bitty, a little hometown or a big old city, might as well share, might as well smile, life goes on for a little bitty while. You know you got a job and a little bitty check, a six pack of beer and a television set, a little bitty world goes around and around, a little bit of silence and a little bit of sound. A good old boy and a pretty little girl, start all over in the little bitty world, little bitty plan and a little.
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